Adalia Co-orbital Rocks logo

Adalia Co-orbital Rocks

Influence logo

Adalia Co-orbital Rocks for Influence MMO game Build your network of spectral resources around your favorite owned asteroid. Automatically find friendly harmonic asteroid orbits in addition to co-orbital asteroids.



!!! Notice: Project is not running !!!

This project has been put on hold due to technical server issues. Additionally, the new updates to the Influence SDK have had some changes that this project would need to get upgraded for. But all previous co-orbital asteroids are still co-orbital, they just have a slightly different cadence with the SDK updates.

logo with text Harmonic asteroid orbit finder (v1) for Influence MMO game. demo

Build your network

Find asteroids with various spectral resources around your favorite owned asteroid. Automatically find friendly harmonic asteroid orbits in addition to co-orbital asteroids.

Looking to sell a few asteroids? Put together some co-orbital asteroids that you can bundle together as a "Ready-Made-Network" and sell on a marketplace like Opensea.

Export Top 100 Filtered results

Export a CSV file of the top 100 asteroids based on your filter selection. Share with your alliance or guild members to build your interstellar empire.

Planning to sell an asteroid that has some great co-orbitals? Share your generated CSV co-orbital asteroid list with your buyers to show its network potential.


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